
Scale Up Your eCommerce Business

The eCommerce industry only continues to rise, and those just breaking into the game are asking one question – how can I scale up my eCommerce business?

It’s natural, it’s encouraged and it’s a good sign. It means that you take your business seriously and you desire to grow your business to it’s maximum potential.

But where to start?

The world of eCommerce is not only enormous, but contains multitudes of possibilities and variances. What works for one sector, may not work for another. Or perhaps your current business plan works fine, but it isn’t giving you the rewards that you deserve.

Let’s take a look at how you can scale up your eCommerce business.

The Basics

Scale Up Your eCommerce Business

Ready to Scale Up Your Business?

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Before You Scale Up Your Business – The Basics

Before we look at scaling up your business, we’ll need to cover the basics first.

In fact, if you’re confident you’ve covered these aspects, skip down to the next section. However, we are sticklers for covering everything, so we’ll break it down as if you haven’t done anything at all.

  • Understand Your Product
  • Understand Your Market
  • Brand Your Website

Understand Your Product

Your product isn’t just an object or a service. It’s a wholly unique conglomeration of parts and uses.

Not all items are created equally. Is your particularly sturdy? Or does it offer multiple uses? Is it designed for a singular purpose?

Your product isn’t just what you make or manufacture, it is also what your customers will see. Do they see the same as you? Chances are, they don’t. There’s one true adage in all of business

“No one knows your unique selling point better than your customers.”

However proud you may be of your particular product or service – you are not the one purchasing it. Your customers will decide that. So make sure that you have an outside view of your products from family, friends and even strangers.

Only then will you truly see your product for what it is.

Understand Your Customer

You want customers to buy your products, but that isn’t what they want.

They don’t want to buy your product. They want to buy a product that fulfils their specific need.

It’s a core business principle. Services for needs. And if you want to make sales and scale up your eCommerce business then you need to understand what your customers need.

Maybe your products are utilitarian, or chic, or fan-based, or any other number of options. Who is going to buy your products? While we don’t believe in pigeon-holing people, when it comes to maximising your chances at business, you will need to define some likely parameters. These can be anything from:

  • Agebrand building
  • Gender
  • Hobbies
  • Occupation
  • Location

And many more. You’ll have to define the most likely target audience for you product if you stand any chance of scaling up your business.

Brand Your Website

This is the fun part.

Believe us, honestly. For most people, the words “website development” make them shudder with fear. They think it’s complex, boring and difficult.

It couldn’t be easier nowadays.

With the right eCommerce platform you don’t even need to know coding. Absolutely nothing. In fact, eCommerce platforms such as eSuperStore guide you through the creation process with a few clicks (and a very helpful 6-step wizard that answers all your queries.)

But best of all, you get to brand the entire thing from head to toe. From colour designs to product placement – it’s a blank canvas that is waiting for you to fill it in. Think of it as painting by numbers, but with a little more freedom. This website that you build will be the face of your eCommerce business. It will be where customers come to not only buy your products, but to get to know your company.

From your website, you have a whole host of marketing options available to scale up your eCommerce business, from SEO, to customer reviews. We’ve made a list of some of the top eCommerce strategies available for you to check out!

How To Scale Up Your eCommerce Business

Now that you have the basics of your business covered, let’s take a look at how to both scale it up, and how to encounter any problems that arise as a result. Forewarned is forearmed after all.

Multichannel Selling

While your website needs to be beautiful, optimised and an excellent sales funnel – it isn’t enough.

Eventually it will be the way that your brand defines itself, but until you reach that level of brand awareness, you will need help to boost sales and scale up. That’s where Amazon comes in.

Amazon is the biggest online marketplace in the world. They ship over 1.5 million products every day (that’s ecommerce selectionaround 18.5 products per second) and in one month alone they received over 2.5 billion visits to their website from desktops and mobile devices.

Safe to say that their market reach is the most advanced in the world.

As an Amazon Seller, you can be a part of that. Simply sign up to their Seller program and you can have your products featured on their site, ready for each and every one of those online visitors to view.

Yes, while it may come with its fair share of Amazon Seller problems, the truth is that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. And with the right guides and resources – you can reduce all of those problems with ease.

Provide Excellent Customer Support

The act of customer support isn’t the important part in scaling up your eCommerce business, it’s the brand building that comes as a direct result of strong customer support.

It can cover anything – maybe it’s an innocent query, or someone is a bit lost about how to use your product. Other times it can be a little more… Karen-oriented.

The important part is that if your customer support is terrible then you’ve lost a customer and any recommendations that they may make to friends. However, good customer support can retain customers, build brand loyalty, increase recommendations and provide excellent reviews that you can feature on your website.

There is an extremely effective way to provide strong customer support, but it is linked to the next section, so we’ll explain after fulfillment.

Outsource Fulfillment

Contrary to popular belief, outsourcing isn’t a dirty word.

Too many small businesses cling onto fulfilling each and every order themselves because they’re afraid of the initial costs. They increase your overhead, but they also enable you to scale up other parts of your business. You can build inventory, reevaluate your marketing strategies or whatever your individual business needs at that moment.

Essentially you are cutting away an enormous amount of your own labour, and that is what will help you scale up your eCommerce business. If you stick with self-fulfilment, then you will never have a chance to scale up.

Now you can tackle both customer support and fulfillment outsourcing in one fell swoop thanks to Amazon FBA.

Now while there are Amazon FBA fees involved, it gives you the opportunity to scale up your business with ease. The list of benefits include:

  • Higher product ranking on Amazon
  • Customer Support handled
  • More appealing delivery
  • Outsourced fulfillment
  • Products listed on Amazon Prime

This not only cuts down on your labour, but it offers immediate access to millions of Prime customers, ranks your products higher in searches and deals with customers for you.

It’s the natural step to scaling up your eCommerce business.

Assess Your Profitability To Scale Up Your Business

Scaling up your business is about putting money into the right places to get a bigger payoff. However, that alone is not enough without a decent product comparison strategy or profit viability.

The costs of your products need to cover your materials and delivery of course – but how do you assess your time? Are you getting sufficiently rewarded for your time? Many businesses tend to undercut fair prices in order to increase sales. But can that lead to top-quality products being seen as cheap?

The truth is that yes it can. Many businesses underprproductivityice their products in order to boost sales, when actually it does the opposite. Customers can feel uneasy going for “the cheap option” especially if they desire a product that will last.

That is where a product comparison strategy comes in.

Firstly, you need to assess your competition. The companies that produce similar products will all be slightly different to yours, whether it’s size or quality, and there will be thousands of them. Even if you have a first-of-its-kind on the market, there will always be a knock-off that appears eventually.

Secondly, you need to accurately account for general Amazon fees that you incur during the sales process.

Luckily Product Finder is a tool designed to help Amazon Sellers account for all of these values.  You simply enter the Product Identifier Code for your product and Product Finder scans across thousands of businesses and returns a spreadsheet report including:

  • Amazon Specific Internal Number (ASIN)
  • Brand (The one that Amazon associates with the identifier)
  • Title (The description Amazon associates with the identifier)
  • Buy Box Price (Essential to win the Amazon Buy Box)
  • Amazon Referral Fee
  • Amazon FBA Charges (Check out our Amazon FBA Guide for a full breakdown!)
  • Product Sales Rank

And much more. This tool also separates by market region which gives you an added advantage.

You can use it to scan foreign marketplaces and analyse whether your products could sell better elsewhere. If you’ve found yourself in a saturated market – then sell away elsewhere! With this tool you can prepare yourself for market expansion and scale up your eCommerce business in no time!

Invest In Automation

Automation is key to scaling up your business.

Especially when it comes to the mundane tasks. The boring parts. The mindlessly time-consuming parts of your day-to-day business that you wish didn’t exist. But unfortunately they do.

Your time is valuable after all, and to scale up your business, you need to prioritise when and where to direct your efforts.

This can be as simple as using eSuperStore’s automated abandoned cart recovery emails -and those emails account for over 30% of all eCommerce sales.

Or it can be something more comprehensive for Amazon Sellers such as Seller Central Connect. This tool automates the vast majority of boring tasks for you. It includes automatic repricing of products to win the Amazon Buy Box, synchronised order metrics and customer data onto a single platform, bulk uploads your entire inventory and autofills order data in order to avoid recriminatory sanctions!

Ready To Scale Up Your Business?

At SuperDisty we have a vast range of tools available to businesses of all sizes who want to scale up.

From EDI Solutions for B2B businesses, to VC Managed Service which reduces chargebacks and shortages for Vendors, we have something for every business. Make sure to check out our resources and guides for businesses to find the support that your business needs to scale up.

If you have any questions, simply get in contact with a member of our dedicated team and we’ll be here to help you grow your business the way that you want to.

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