
EDI Solution

SuperDisty EDI Solution

Give your business the edge over your competitors, save your company time and resource by implementing EDI with your suppliers and partners.

The Need For EDI

For businesses of any size, EDI is essential for growth and competitiveness. EDI reduces manual input and errors, improves operational performance, automates and streamlines business processes.


Increased data flow to accelerate order processing, shipping and invoice processes to improve essential supply chain functions within your ERP

More Accurate

Eliminate manual data entry errors with EDI saving you considerable time and money.


Grow your business not your costs. Automate key processes with EDI across your business to reduce operating costs and become more efficient.

Manual Process - Without EDI

Buyer creates purchase order

Fax or mail invoice

Supplier manually enters order, creates invoice.


Fax or mail invoice

Buyer enters invoice for internal processing

Buyer creates purchase order

Fax or mail inovice

Supplier manually enters order, creates invoice.


Fax or mail invoice

Buyer enters invoice for internal processing

Automated process - With EDI

Buyer's internal system

Purchase order

Supplier's internal system


Buyer's internal system

Purchase order

Supplier's internal system


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Reach us directly +353 15241640 or info@superdisty.com


Sample Chargeback Success for Single Client

Sample of Recovered Revenue for a Single Client


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